Monday, January 30, 2012

Favorite movie scenes: Attack of the Clones

Being a lifelong Star Wars maniac, the buzz on Episode 2 had my friends and I freaking out. Being the impatient idiot I am, I bought the book well before the release of the film. As I read this scene in the book, I realized George Lucas was finally giving me a gift I had been waiting for around 20 years. I attended the show with 7 or 8 friends. A couple of the guys had been giving me hell for reading the book before seeing the film. Around the 2:24 mark in this clip, I leaned over to my friend Josh Featherstone, seated next to me, and said "Get ready for this." 

 The theater went nuts. I had envisioned what those old Jedi had been like in their prime. None was more intriguing than Yoda. What a Hard Ass.

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