Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I remember playing EA Sports NCAA football 97 against my roommate. I would use Texas and he would be Kentucky in our dynasty. I ran the HELL out of the option with Major Applewhite and Ricky Williams. (with much success.) Ricky went on to win the Heisman, Major to less success, becoming a college coach. Ricky had his ups and downs, but today he called it quits. Ricky Williams retired today, at the age of 34. I will always remember when I had Ricky on my fantasy team. I would go out with my friends on Saturday, sleep until about 2:00 PM on Sunday and go into work. I would have no idea what NFL games had transpired. When I got to work I would ask my boss, Tom, "How was Ricky?" He responded with one of two answers. "Ricky was Ricky." or "Ricky wasn't Ricky." 

Here's to Ricky being Ricky. Not many people can say they lived like Ricky.

And now here is a complete lunatic:

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