Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Garrett Gilbert to transfer from UT

September 5, 2008. I'm at Austin Westlake High School, with two friends, we'll call them fish and chip. My sister works for the Weslake district,so we had tickets sitting with Westlake faculty. We were there to see UT recruit Garrett Gilbert play for Lake Travis, but had to keep our excitement down, seeing as we were in enemy territory. Fast forward to January 7, 2010. Natinoal Championship game versus Alabama. Greg Davis calls a QB happened against K ST you old piece of shit, Colts out. Gilbert makes the most of what he's given in a losing effort. Now onto: The De-evolution of Garrett Gilbert:

Meet Britt Mitchell and Kyle Hix. They destroyed Garrett Gilbert. With absolutely no ability to pass protect AT ALL they let Gilbert be broken at the most important place, mentally. The young QB I watched pick Westlake apart in 2008, was a shell of himself. No Confidence equals no bueno, bash him all you want, that O line cost him his career.

Today is October 5, 2011. Garrett Gilbert has been released by the University of Texas. Sources say SMU is his destination. Garrett, I hope you have the protection to succeed like you did September 5, 2008. I still remember, I was there.

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